HRCC Director Maria Lapinski was invited to join the Lancet One Health Commission, led by the Center for Global Health at the University of Oslo.
HRCC affiliate Saleem Alhabash and his team find out how to measure the value of a free service, and study how valuable Facebook users find the website.
James Dearing has accepted an invitation to serve as a member of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s National Advisory Council for Environmental Policy and Technology.
HRCC affiliate and Knight Center for Environmental Journalism Chair Eric Freedman writes about how dangerous it is to report on environmental news.
HRCC affiliate Robby Ratan is interviewed about managing time spent playing video games.
HRCC Affiliate Bruno Takahashi co-edits volume: "Environmental Communication Among Minority Populations"
For a second straight year, the majority of Michigan residents choose the environment over the economy in Michigan.
HRCC co-sponsors talk about how to use high-powered computing for social science research.
Panel discussion on the challenges facing journalists who cover issues relating to the environment.
HRCC affiliates received $400,000 from NSF to explore the way information spread during and following Hurricane Maria.
HRCC faculty Morgan Ellithorpe and Allison Eden study the health effects of binge-watching.
Meng and colleagues receive $1,000,000 NSF grant to develop an app to improve college students' mental health.
HRCC Core Leader Jim Dearing was ranked in the international top 10 scholars of dissemination and implementation science in health.
HRCC affiliate faculty member Elizabeth Dorrance Hall runs a blog series at Psychology Today, titled "Conscious Communication."
Several HRCC affiliate faculty presented their research at the International Communication Association conference in Prague.
HRCC Core Leader Ashley Sanders-Jackson contributes to the development of an app called "Flint Eats," which "aims to allow Flint residents and food retailers to communicate openly about available resources within the community."
ComArtSci faculty, including HRCC affiliate Robby Ratan, have created a virtual reality simulation of a self driving car, which they will study to "better understand what would make people most comfortable during the autonomous driving experience."
HRCC affiliate Shelia Cotten helps lead a study "to better understand and measure the impact of driverless cars on the current transportation workforce."
HRCC affiliate John Besley's interview about public trust in scientists appeared in Science Magazine.
HRCC affiliate Eric Freedman describes a new compilation of Great Lakes research, "Biodiversity, Conservation, and Environmental Management in the Great Lakes Basin," which he co-edited.
HRCC affiliate Robby Ratan contributes to a Stateside report about the status of Michigan's 911 system.